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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Because of all the log in problems blogger has been giving me, I've decided to revive my livejournal. Rather apt, since I'm starting a new phase of my life, i shall have a new place to document my life.

Farewell my sheeps, we have to move on.

hmmamm.12:55 am

Monday, July 13, 2009

So i got owned, 21-10, as i predicted. But it was an intense sweating session, none like those i've had recently. Dont know how people can play indoor sports, its fcking hotttttttt. No wind at all. MAD.

My hands are shaking as i type. And i foresee it is going to ache like free tomorrow. Ask me again tomorrow if my prediction is correct.

And as usual, there must always be food on tiff day, well it is tiff you see. Amazing gastronomia tiramisu today, courtesy of her uncle. I'm sorry coffeeclub, we're not coming today as we usually do, shall not see our queen waitresses this monday :'(

Well, this is the last monday before i start school, of which is similar to signing on in the army. Hopefully tiff days will still continue and not sparse out. Dont cry!

hmmamm.5:35 pm

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Prefab camp is overr, rather liked it actually. Except for the sleep-on-the-floor part, a bit cold, a bit only. Preferred it over other camps I went for, prolly because we are like-minded people, all want to build things, (sound like construction workers).

I hereby announce that I have signed away the next 5 years of my life, prolly more, but we try 5 years first la hor. Yet I think I will survive, somehow. The constant call of people telling you to quit, saying how hard it is just makes me want to get it done, like finally something I can say i'm a master at. No more jack of all trades master of none.

(In case you're thinking im praising myself saying im a master, when i get through 5 years i really am one whattttttt- Master of Architecture)

But you know, school starts next week. Next week i take the leap into a new part of my life. Hopefully i'll dare to jump and not keep gripping the window sill only. Aigoo.

hmmamm.3:13 am

Sunday, June 28, 2009

LEO (The Lion)


Great talker.
Attractive and passionate.
Laid back.
Knows how to have fun.
Is really good at almost anything.
Great kisser.
Down to earth.
Loves being in long relationships.
Not one to mess with.
Rare to find.
Good when found.

Sure not?

hmmamm.11:33 pm

Love... love is something else. It's the weather being good everyday, because wind and rain are just another kind of good weather. That's love.
Absence makes the heart grow stronger fonder?

hmmamm.12:58 am

Friday, June 26, 2009

I guess I think the world is wonderful afterall,
I want nobody, nobody but (chi)you! :)
I am going to learn the moves! Watch out mambo.

hmmamm.12:14 am

Monday, June 22, 2009

One, two, three, four,
Uno, dos, tres, cuatro.
In a few short 4 weeks, this is not going to be what i see when i wake up.
I wonder if they will allow me to paint my window panes in hall.

I just hope i learn to prioritise my time and not agree to every single thing. Lest i tire out at the start and fall sick-- like now. Okay friends, I need your help here. Dont want to end up like this poor fellow, trying to eat such a big apple with such a small mouth.

Photo courtesy of hardergay Xiao Lao Shu by the way.

hmmamm.1:00 am

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I want to sleep on you.
You have a nice pillow.
You make me sleep like a sheep.
You should move to my house.
Someday I will bednap.
You + me = warm and nice :)
If I saw you now I'd jump on you.
I want to sleep with you.
I would build a house just for you.
If I could sing you any song it would be ddreee-eeee-eeam, dream dream dream.
We could snuggle under the stars.
Your occupant.
(P.S. Stay clean.)

hmmamm.10:50 pm

Friday, June 12, 2009

Gay Joanne is going to be away to a remote area where there is no computer or phones. See you monday sweets!

Love, the only LEGAL GAY.

hmmamm.11:42 pm

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

3 days of camp and I slept a grand total of less than 6 hours. Which is amazing for me because i'm little miss lazy/sleepy/blur number 1. Haii "Early morning late at night, RAHRAHRAHRAHRHAHRAHRAAHRHRHARAH"

But because of the crazy amount of energy going round somehow we all survived it, although if THIS is hall life i think i will die. I mean like 3 days and im so shag ready, what more 3 years man. aww shucks! Anyway my OG was RYAN SEACREST, cause the theme was hollywood, and there was like miley cyrus and chris brown and other random stars. And as usual because Joanne Gay is loud and noisy, she will kena sabo to become cheer IC again. Felt like VJ freshmen orientation all over again, except this time im the freshie, not the OGL. Which reminds me.. "OOOOHHHHHHHHHHH! WE'RE MOVIN IN WE'RE MOVING OUT, OGLS LETS HEAR YOU SHOUTetcetc"

Shit im so excited to stay in hall already. Yesterday i was thinking about all the activities i want to join, like cheerleading, rag, floorball, soccer and of course cannot forget softball. But during dinner with coach and jiaolian after training, suddenly and as always during a conversation they will start talking about me AGAIN. As if like a wet blanket to my hall involvement aspirations, jiaolian started telling me again that i suck cause i want to do everything, so i cant be good at something (Lovelies, you know what she's talking about -- my outfield/catcher/ everything also want to play argument). HAIIIZ so maybe i'll just play softball all year in hall lah hor.

shucks mann.

hmmamm.3:18 pm

Joanne Gay
Victoria Junior College

play around with the sheep on top :)


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