the most agonizing day.

the agonizing days to follow. (i hate panadol, now ive to rely on it -.-)
let me explain..
Seven days ago i thought my tailbone was acting up again.
Six days ago i think my tailbone was acting up again.
Five days ago i dont think its my tailbone acting up again.
Four days ago popped up a stupid sore.
Three days ago i couldn't sit still in econs tutorial because stupid sore grew fat and pussy. lol sorry pus-sy, i meant.
Two days ago i thought i could go to the polyclinic's, get better medicine and get back into school without missing math lecture.
But then the doctor took one look at the fat pimply thing and said: "aiyo, cannot, must cut. Okay! go A&E"
and im like, " what? now?!"
then i cab down to changi and the A&E's quite empty so i admit myself and the lady at the counter tells me, "okay that'll be $75, ...do you want to pay now?"
and i give her the shocked face and go: "uhhh, no?"
i suspect she added in the second part after looking at me and realising that thats more than my week's allowance (if i dont do housework.)
so very soon after a nurse attempts to suffocate my arm taking the blood pressure, i meet this happy round doctor who says i need to be admitted to cut the fat pimple away. And im so shocked cause i never stayed in a hospital before so she says "its okay, more life experiences can write better GP essay".
yeah so that day i got admitted.

that night i got my pilonidal abscess in the right sacral region lateral to the anal cleft saucerised. (whoever understands that i'll buy you milo pearl)

but i think the surgery was kinda cool, like im in some tv show where they push you in the opertion theatre. and put you to sleep. haha all i could remember was when i went in it was kinda cold, there was a young doctor dude wearing pink under the surgical dress who i thought was kinda handsome, then they injected some colourless liquid into my blood which i thought was like some suger thing to make me less hungry(stupid girl), and then the doctor asked me where i was studying and i still can happily tell him "VJC!!" and the next thing i knew i woke up shivering violently with very pain butt.
but still it was kindafunn :)
hmmamm.10:10 pm
Joanne Gay
Victoria Junior College
play around with the sheep on top :)