my friend,
lost her wallet on friday,
and today,
some random guy messaged me on friendster,
saying he found the wallet and if i knew her and could i tell her.
and i called her and she told me,
HALLELUJAH, thats so amazing.
cause she had been praying and praying,
that she wallet be returned to her,
since friday.
"saviour, He can move the mountains.
hmmamm.10:36 pm
Meeting dear ol' mr tan yew hwee in the morning's kinda amusing.
it amuses up your entire day,
we apart from the part about results.
(i'll get the results I WANT dont you worry)
where he acknowledges its ridiculous to drop econs to h1 cause its no help at all.
and the part he wanted to throw the biscuit tin at me when i said i got a U for econs because well, i didnt study at all.
and his jaw dropping when i said i applied for h3 geography too.
and generally when he starts to TRY to scare us by cracking his knuckles,
you know like what gangsters like to do before a fight?
i just want to laugh when he does that.
okay i'll admit travelling to woodlands for national colours wasnt all that waste of my time,
cause of mr tan's great idea of doing PR with the guest of honour, Mr Teo Ser Luck, he pushed shaofang, vanessa and i to "faster faster go and take picture!!"
and we grabbed a few more along the way.
apparently P.M. Chan was standing nearby and when Mr Teo asked if we wanted to include Mr Chan in the picture, fangus sort of went "NO" under her breathe but like Mr Teo heard and verbalized her plea and ta da!
(we took a picture with Mr Chan too)
and Mr Tan refused to come into the picture cause he said he'd spoil it and proceeded to disappear into the crowd with our belongings after pushing us away.
i bet he and Mr Teo were like old soccer enemies and Mr Tan lost to Mr Teo before, so like, tension TENSION sial.
yeah and as usual angie and i would debate if a certain guy was hot or not.
(i have high standards okayy)
"dare you to move.
hmmamm.9:39 pm
Tuesday, October 16, 2007

haha he's such a monkey.
hmmamm.9:52 pm
Dear pantat friend,
i am sad, cause i realise the results you got are not favourable. to be able to remain with us is something quite difficult, that i believe you realise too. it would be nice to be able to say we'd continue staying together and having class and all, but reality points your life to a different direction, somewhere further away.
life without you as a classmate friend will be hard. i hate to picture the time when i'd be pillowless because all these while i depended you to be my comfy pillow. you have, for the past year, been the funniest to have lao shi lessons with, the dumbest to have plant conversations with and the best fellow pro stingray eater everr. im gonna cry as i write this but, no matter how silly or dumb or lofthy i am sometimes around you, I DONT WANNA LOSE MY CHICKEN MOTHER NEH NEH HEN!! :'(
i hope you dont regret the past year with us/me, or thinnk its a waste of time. cause although sometimes people dont show their real feelings, distance makes the heart fonder, i believe the saying still holds true, and only when its all over they miss it. whatever happens, no matter how sad you get about (f+1-67+17-29+910-832) to the power of 3, just remember gay screaming VOVOOOOOO down the hallways and smacking you and asking you to hurry up. <3
love, gay.
hmmamm.8:33 pm
fried fish soup and BBQ chicken.
the drink was different though. LOL
i saw on tv that pole dancing gonna become the new exercise to lose weight.
you know, like yoga or rhythmic dancing things?
but im thinking,
of course you'd wanna lose weight after taking up pole dancing.
cause maybe if you're, well, FAT,
you'd kinda not stay up on the pole,
but like just, SLIDE DOWN.
anyway i think its really silly people come up with all sorts of ways to lose weight.
just friggin exercise man,
the cost is almost ZERO.
just go out and run run run.
see, lets take pole dancing as an example.
what happens if you slide down the pole upside down and bang your head?
or slimming pill, you'd probably die of like cancer or kidney failure something.
its reallllly quite simple,
if you bother to do it anyways.
if not, nothing can help you lose that flab.
i knwo i've been drifting away.
and im sorry God.
help me make things right then.
i love You.
"when the music fades.
hmmamm.9:33 pm
Saturday, October 13, 2007
sometimes i try to tell you stuff,
to let you in more about my life,
especially the 'exciting' parts,
but you always make it so difficult.
it makes me wonder why i even try.
so maybe next time i shouldnt.
if you really want to know,
im not gonna be the one telling anymore.
hmmamm.2:58 pm
i'd still want to meet you :)
so i rushed down after worship to guide sonix in their game against ntu and sadly we lost 5-1. but take courage, they havent trained for like a month and for them still can make it lah. still, the game was littered with silly errors and bad calls and noisy coach and no hits. although i have to admit that probably it was kelly's pitching that saved them from a more embarrassing defeat, there were happy points in the game and we failed to capitalise on them. :(
they're quite funny batch really, i hope they do well next year. us too, haha.
anyways noisy coachs are HORRIBLE. like a certain noisy coach was making noisy noises and calling zoe an IGUANA and weird stuffs, and like trying to over call the umpire. ugh. IM NEVER EVER PLAYING FOR HIM. hmmph.
then afterward our spartans game got rained out so everything POSTPOONED. (hahaha) yeah and belle and i suddenly felt so free! like, we had absolutely nothing to do, NOTHING. first time in so long sia. and im not gloating at the J2s and sec 4s but its a new feeling we started to dread, cause we were BORED STIFF. sigh. so we went to party we went home. -.-
im so bored i shall go play bejeweled 2 now.
btw, david bentley's my new favourite, after that huntelaar refused to come to epl. *fumes*
"this is our fate, i'm yours.
hmmamm.5:33 pm
Thursday, October 04, 2007
spent my life yesterday slackingaway whee.
life after promos is kinda fun, like, :)
at least one week of rest before we start training all over again,
and then the whole cycle starts once more.
of school training school training.
before i let my life get sucked away from me
cause i think when i get my results
i wont be able to enjoy it that much anymore.
so the day was draw draw draw
cycle cycle cycle
sing sing sing.
scuttling all around trying ta find the stupid bus to take us there
and finally getting there and starting the cam whoring,
i wanted to take with the dustbins
(they were ALL PAINTED to look like animals sia O.o)
yeah and we got in and saw all the animals and stuff and whatnot.
(pictures when i get them! )
(haii i always say that)
yeah but i didnt knoe jinhao worked there.
kinda cool, like, ITS THE ZOO!!
even tho it stinks.
but picnic and walking till it hurt.
and playing in the water and getting wet and taking emo pics in the playground with all the angmohs staring,
and pretending to be tourists asking random people to take photos for us.
WHOO. kinda fun.
yeah but well the day ended and the last part was nice :)
another time then lovelys.
next up, SENTOSA!
"away in a manger no crib for a bed.
hmmamm.4:18 pm
"we're going to the zoo, its a very nice place,
with animals like monkeys hanging all around your face,
its really really kinda nice, just like elephants are scared of mice,
we're goooingg tooo the zoooo!
hmmamm.8:23 pm
Joanne Gay
Victoria Junior College
play around with the sheep on top :)