tiff found this site whose author draws uber cute bunnies. i shall post one every few days. yay!
okay first one today

this bunny dances the super cool dance
and by the way, they're called tuzki.
(sorry they dont come out animated, but go the site and see)
anywayy. yesterday, thankyou to junhao, i went with hakim, jastine, naz*i and chunhan to watch the final moments of our 'Grand Old Dame' the Kallang Stadium.
so since wing was stuck at some busstop at dhoby ghaut and gave up trying to come, hakim and i went to find junhao for tickets and walked like halfway round the stadium to find him.
and them tickets said we could only enter through east entrance, so we walked halfway round the stadium back. and sayang was sweating like free. seriously, machiam raining sia.
okay then we went to find jastine and gang, and he told us they were at 29C and we heard 39C, which was located at the south entrance. and the stupid gate was locked so sayang at i kept trying to find a way in around and over and whatever. and then smart him went to call jastine and found out we were like ten gates away. fck walk somemore.
seriously singapore chose the wrong team to play the final match at kallang against.
like even though the aussies were playing like shit and just anyhowing, we still got kohsong.
got some close and nice shots that hit post lah, but they could have been trashed if aussies played properly.
see hakim, i told you aussies were bribed. haha
so next time when they talk of the last match played at kallang, they'd be like:
in the last COMPETITIVE match played there, Singapore won Malaysia in the penalty shoot out to clinch the Tiger Cup.
hahaha no mention will be made to the last international friendly against aussies, why? cause friendly only WAHT..
so the 3-nil nevermind lah hor?
anyway, baihakki played! whee :DD
closing ceremony was quite cheesy.
like shine a spot light of the starting point of the 200m race, imagine, with glory barnabas our singapore athelete in the third late, and hot contenders from busan in the first and sixth lane, imagine how it was like when the race started. and with the spotlight moving, glory barnabas goes, i remember i ran the race of my life.. i ran and ran and at the corner of my eye i saw the runner from lane one and i ran the race of my life.. and at the end i made a desperate plunge forward and it was a photo finish, and the results only came out an hour later and when i stood on the podium and the national anthem played, i was overwhelmed..i had ran the race of my life! 0.0
and they dedicated certain spots to certain sports people like goalpost to lional lewis, random spot to indra shanam and another random spot to some old legend called dolah or something. and played a memorial video and i almost cried cause it was all such a touching moment, i bet everyone almost cried. keyword being ALMOST but all them strong boys with their ego act like nothing much the big ol' stadium's being torn down. yeahyeah. then we tried to look for softballers when all the national athletes did that march pass thing as kit chan sang the sea games song- 'live our dreams'. but obviously cant spot lah so far away.
yeah so we left to go for lights out party at gate 3.
so walking out of east entrance we turned RIGHT, when we should have turned LEFT.
and walked and walked again and realise wrong direction. basket.
walaoeh end by the time we walked ONE WHOLE ROUND the queue was mother long we gave up and gave away our tickets.
but along the way we saw the aussie bus going off and jastine was like: kewell marry me!!
stupid nut, kewell IS married.
aww heartbroken. H
so we went for supper in the end which turned out to only be a drink cause we little kids need to go home. and had ahem, many interesting comversations along the way :)))
till next time guys! be safe and stay away from parangs and um those people wielding them!
yeah jastine wanted me to put this in. gong belle part two.
(part one was ownage ice cream)
on friday we went to eat ajisen ramen and belle bought this set thing and came with fried silverfish and she let us eat and fed jastine one.
and jastine (referring to belle's act of kindness), went: aww so sweet.
and gong belle (referring to the TASTE) went: har? so sweet meh? quite saltish what.
more episodes to come, depending on what other silly stuff our darling belle does :)
''now its time to live our dreams.