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Friday, June 29, 2007

oh my gosh.
im so done with mid years.
and i really studied quite a bit and if i do really shitty im gonna be so sad :(
but im just glad i survived it.
thankyou God :)))
and yaopeng better not anyhow scare me.
even thought marking is strict, when an answer is correct it has to be correct.
okay good.

oh my gosh.
i never knew it had cool back lanes! (cue: screaming!!)
like all the quaint little shops with lovely layout and pretty stuffs inside with pretty prices.
but i saw a top i absolutely LOVE.
like <333
but no money to buy.
so i shall save save save.
plus i want another pair of jeans,
so save save save even more!
tiffany tan yen ting, im dragging you there one day. 0.0
and you confirm go nuts with me woman :D

''so long, goodnight, so long and goodnight.

hmmamm.11:54 pm

Thursday, June 28, 2007

hey hwee: my chinese still sucks too.
hey vera: HAHAHA i shall reiterate the story here. [look below]
hey jastine: thankyou for bringing us there. try not to send messages to diane to me anymore :)

okay this is what happened.
JASTINE happily came skipping toward the softball table and eagerly launched into his story of the ice cream shop he visited over the weekend with the girlfriend.
and he went: "walao i found this ownage ice cream shop, its damn nice, the flavour are damn interesting..."
BELLE, the ever gong one,
went: " really ah? har? the shop is called own age ice cream shop ah?"
jastine: "noo the ice cream damn ownage lah"
belle: "yeah what. so whats the name? ownage?"
jastine: " NO LAH. the shop's called tom's palette. i say ownage means the ice cream damn nice damn shiok lah. and got so many funny flavours, damn cheao somemore. what ownage.. -.- face"
everyone else: HAHAHAHAA.

yeah belle provides us all with many unglam and silly moments to laugh ah.
what can i do without you belle? :)

''hide me now, under your wings.

hmmamm.9:14 pm

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

exams are done.
math, which i very much still hate, was surprising not too bad.
cause all the graph questions came out and i was happily drawing away.
geog, which i love, i still love.
cause those i went through yesterday came out.
yay. thankyou God.
like after 3 killer days, the last chinese paper on friday seems totally a piece of cake.
im aiming for s anyways

i guess sometimes a person isnt what you think he is.
because he could very well be somebody else you dont really know.
it thus makes life interesting.
cause, you will never know, will you?

ayam penyet and tom's palette ice cream.
yum. next time bring you there :D

''will you be there?

hmmamm.10:46 pm

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

at least for now, i really do.


hmmamm.3:38 pm

Sunday, June 24, 2007

MKC, as always, never fails to put a smile on my face.
i guess children just give me so much joy i dont know what i'll do without them. seeing them for so long, i cant help but get so attached and in love with them. no matter how naughty and irritating and attention seeking some may get, when you love them with the love of God you tend to look at them in a different light, how God looks upon them as his precious children. and its beautiful when even the most unsuspecting kids get touched by the grace of God and you just see such a great transformation in their attitude, and i choose to believe it is God, using us mkc leaders as His vessels and touching the children.

and it makes me so happy im part of it. <3

today the new programme was started.
and dicky's team started off [im in dickys team]
so we went to 'test water' and guess what,
we decided we could jump right in.
apart from some minor things to sort out, i think we started great.
with the two rules of 1.raising hand to ask permission and 2.the quiet sign thing the ground was laid and we had a short game of scissors paper stone sticks
and we went into praise and worship.
where auntie steph and i kept like forgetting out actions and getting so tired out, but the kids responded and were dancing and singing along with us.
omgosh how sweet they sound :DDD
then was the teaching part and dicky did object lesson with all them tools.
like, all the tools made were meant for a purpose and you cant use a hammer as a measuring tape or a screwdriver as a hammer all.
so our purpose in life is to worship God,
and here i came out in army suit (helmet was damn heavy sia) and go,
joanne: 'im ready im ready sir mam sir sir.'
dicky: 'ready for what? and im not a mam.'
joanne: 'but you're wearing pink! anyway yeah im ready for WAR SHIP, like go and fighting fighting in the war ship'
dicky: 'what war? what ship? did i say anything about war? kids, is there war in singapore?'
joanne: 'no war? then why when they were singing they raise up their hands? like surrender like that.'
dicky: 'ohh, thats WORSHIP, they were worshipping Jesus!'
joanne: 'worship?'
dicky: 'yeah! and you're just in time cause im about to tell the children that they're invited to a party!'
joanne: 'party? oh yay party party party, can i go can i go?'
dicky: 'yeah sure, everything that has breath can go to God's praise party!'
joanne: (checks breath) 'okay i can breathe so i can go? YAY!! okay ah mam sir i'll go get ready and i'll be back!' (recruit exits)
dicky: 'haiyoh how many times must i tell her that im not a mam? that recruit must be new ah.. [and talks about how when we worship we should be focused on God and not let other things distract us]'
joanne: (comes back carrying a phone, tin of biscuits and fan) 'im ready sir!'
dicky: 'what in the blue world are you carrying?'
joanne: ' oh this? see right, this phone here is for when im bored during the party i can call my friends, when i dance and get hungry i can eat and when i get hot i can fan myself!'
dicky: 'no no no, you got it all wrong. i jsut told the kids when we worship we gotta not get distracted by other stuff and just focus on God, so you, take all these things back, and when you are truely ready, you some back here. okay?'
joanne: 'yes mam!'

then was the mary and martha part where they laugh even more.
i just hope that amidst the laughter, they undertand them message behind the actings.

argh kids laugh so easily. :))

"love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. deuteronomy 6:5.

hmmamm.3:30 pm

Thursday, June 21, 2007

there was a time, when people said that Singpaore wouldnt make it, but we did.
there was a time, when trouble seemed so much for us to take, but we did.

these two lines mean quite a bit.
to me going through stupid exams shizz.
i may be innocent and silly most of the time.
but it doesnt mean im ignorant.

its not right to screw someone's life just cause she/he crossed you.
cause you never know what nonsense she/he goes through.
i mean, on the surface it might seem that all's fine and dandy, but theres always a side to a person that wont be shown to the general public. it is that hidden burden that might eventually be the cause of certain mishaps or failing points, and these could be triggered by anything. it is wrong to assume that people born in rich families have no problems whatsoever, or that every problem they have can be easily solved by cold hard cash.

problems differ. take for example a person in some rural african town may be facing problems of starvation. life and death problems and doesnt even have money to supply their basic needs. to the world, that is a major kind of problem that is being focussed on right now. starvation and malnutrition, communicable disease and aids, it has been on the discussion platter of world organisations for a long long time and not much have been done to salvage anything. on the flipside, a rich kid born and bred in a wealthy area grows up ignorant about the plight of others in less well to do areas, he is unknowing about such hardships that face people just cause he has never been exposed to it, having lived in comfort and shelter all his life. but does that make him any more well off than those people?

on the surface of the materialistic world, yes, maybe. but look inside his heart, the material comfort that he has could have came at the expense of parental love, which he severly lacks. to an impressionable child, what he sees is what he becomes, and grows up not having that littel something, and although he ultimately becomes some successful businessman in some cases, there is a void in his heart he does not know about and unwittingly, passes this lifestyle on to his future children as he knows not what true love is. he is rich, but also poor and lacking. yet for a family facing poverty together, they learn to rely on one another to press on in life and they choose to survive by encircling each and every family member with love and support all the way, to make the most out of what they have and take it and run with it. to them, they might be poor, but they are rich, not of money, but of happiness.

im not passing judgement on anybody here but it is just the stand i choose to take in life. i cannot say that i do not judge, unconciously, and in the spur of the moment, sometimes i do. but through and through, i always regret. for when you judge others, you know not of how many others out there who in turn will point a finger at you.

''so love your neighbours as you love yourself.

hmmamm.2:50 pm



hmmamm.2:49 pm

Wednesday, June 20, 2007






okay i just posted it above for ya'll's convenience.
thank me NOW.

whoo im so screwed.
so much to study, so little time.
and im still online.

''dum dee dum dum dum.

hmmamm.11:07 pm

Monday, June 18, 2007

sometimes its easier to let go then to keep it in.
better to forgive the person than to carry on holding a grudge.
healthier to be happy than to be stubbornly hot headed.
because the Bible says that anger can be equivalent to murder.
maybe cause when you're angry, you have thoughts of killing.
which is murder.
so the world would be a better and more peaceful place if we learnt to let matters rest and choose not to pursue them even though we aint in the wrong.
for the price of peace is high.
and to keep it is a luxury we can choose to enjoy.

camp was good.
i learnt alot about anointing and the Holy Spirit and how working in God's ministry means we rely on Him in all we do and if we start to rely on ourselves, we get really weary easily.
thus, draw on God for your support for He is like a well that has no bottom, or like an unquenchable stream that never runs dry.
what else could be better?

''open the eyes of my heart Lord.

hmmamm.8:27 pm

Thursday, June 14, 2007

okay guys, and girls.
i'll be gone for church camp friday, saturday, sunday.
do not have too much fun when im gone.
do not do foolish things.
like kiss the pole.
do not break any legs playing soccer, or any sports for that matter.
or maybe not sports at all, but just dont break anything for that matter.
do not not study.
do not train at all.
cause 'slutty' tyh says we have no confidence for mids.
do not ask park for maths help cause he makes you beg.
do not not ask yinghao to help in maths cause actually he quite rocks.[stones]
and he doesnt force you to ask him then makes you beg him after you finally bother to ask him.
yes park. you did that.
okay i have nothing else to say,
except some people are really irritating
this statement has no relation to anything above.
its just whats happening now.
when they say they know where a place is, then call you to ask how to go, you know they're lying.
so call them bastards and hang up.
i didnt do that.
thats why im so pissed now.
cause they think they know, but dont know.
so shut up and get lost.

''what the shit.

hmmamm.8:10 pm

Saturday, June 09, 2007

good ol' britney when she had hair, alot more of it anyways.

i just read park's old post about metal music.
let me say this:
some people dont even classify this as music. more of just noise. well, i guess its an acquired taste and i just havent gotten round to liking it, so sucks to be you :D

talking is good.
it develops relationships and increases connections all.
therefore, talk more.

oh yes, even though ya'll probably wont read this,
have a safe trip dii and chan.
have fun while in aussie land.
have a great time snowboarding
but no breaking of legs please.
and have some time studying too.
and visiting long lost siblings.
okay see ya'll when ya'll get back.

worship song for tomorrow is nice to the max.
love it man. its so beautiful.
like my next favourite worship song after 'From the Inside Out'
so i shall put it here.

''What Can I Do
When I see the beauty of a sunset’s glory
Amazing artistry across the evening sky
When I feel the mystery of a distant galaxy
It awes and humbles me to be loved by a God so high

What can I do but thank You
What can I do but give my life to You
Hallelujah hallelujah
What can I do but praise You
Every day make everything I do a hallelujah
Hallelujah hallelujah

When I hear the story of a God of mercy
Who shared humanity and suffered by our side
Of the cross they nailed You to that could not hold You
Now You’re making all things new
By the pow’r of Your risen life

Words and music by Paul Baloche and Graham Kendrick

hmmamm.7:14 pm

Friday, June 08, 2007

okay HI PAKIN.
so honoured that the KING graces my humble page here.
okay fck i didnt know you read this, so i take back what i said to vera.
but instead, i shall proclaim:

and he's not gonna be a tranny!
and btw, vera IS pretty!

okayy outing today with bestie, diane, jaclyn, eugene, john and the LAO DA was the seks man.
LAO DA= auntie sui kum, aka ex sunday school teacher.
thankyous for the seoul garden, oceans thirteen and swensens.
lao da ZAI!
we'll have more next time :))

''someday we'll know.

hmmamm.7:14 pm

Thursday, June 07, 2007

let me recollect.

gay goes to school in the morning.
with gay's friend.
and goes to find studying group
consisting of chan vera jastine park
in a random classroom.

interlude for snippet of current conversation with vera:

smurfette <3 says:
i find you new guy!
sadgirl16 no longer loves faceshopboy99 says:
smurfette <3 says:
which soccer guy you want? i hantam for you
sadgirl16 no longer loves faceshopboy99 says:

sadgirl16 no longer loves faceshopboy99 says:
i want pakin. HAHAHAHHAHA

smurfette <3 says:
pakin out of stock
sadgirl16 no longer loves faceshopboy99 says:
ew no please.

smurfette <3 says:
when the new pakin stock comes it might be in a different section
smurfette <3 says:
for guys to choose

sadgirl16 no longer loves faceshopboy99 says:

smurfette <3 says:
shit i should open matchmaking agency

sadgirl16 no longer loves faceshopboy99 says:
omggggg. ewwwwww
sadgirl16 no longer loves faceshopboy99 says:

okayy back to where i was.
like i went: walaos ya'll so noisy how to study.
and i felt so sad cause they all sit in a circle at the table and didnt give me any space!
i felt SO SO SO sad. :(:(:(:(
and i remembered what park said the previous day about study group size.
park: wah today 6 people big group leh. should be only 3-4 people. [SUSPECT!]
OKAYYLAH i was the 5th person so I GET YOUR HINT.
and i went to find my other friend(s) to study.
it was a nicer and windier and so-not-smelly-or-noisy spot.

bernetta and lorena are nice study people.
all gang up against me with their red draco house shirts.
but thankyou for the sweets and mountaindew :):):):):)

then came the time i left with softballers for lunch.
and walking out of school playing retard games are the new IN way to pass time and get PISSED off. pfft.
only if park is around, because(from VERAA's blog):

SCENE: walking out of school
joanna: PARK! the leaves and falling, are they still falling?
park: *confused look* huh?
joanna: the leaves are falling, are they still falling?
park: *looks at the trees* the leaves are not falling what!?
joanna: ARRRRRGHHHHH he is damn slow! its a GAME!

damn funny. then we played the MRT game. and it was funny as well.

jastine: bedok tanah merah and then?
vera: errr, aljunied.
park: OH, i know already!
jastine: really? what.
park: its the stop they get off at right? she got off at aljunied yesterday what.
all of us: AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA. LOLOLOLOL! nooooooooooo!

and due to my laziness, i shall copy and paste the whole incident at the hawker centre from joanna's blog with HER totally UNBIASED point of view. :D
after which she exclaimed: i'm never eating at a hawker centre EVER again!

Anyway,then vera and i went to macs to buy lunch while jas, park, gay went to hawker centre to buy their food. Vera and i then went to meet them at their table which had only one free seat available which vera slyly took immediately. this old hag had her shopping bags and whatever on a chair.. on MY chair. So i just uh.. go stand there and stare at the bags on MY chair. Old hag comes to us and says: Oh no, i'm not sitting here, i'm just putting my bags on this chair while i buy my food. We all then stone at her and have a "huh" look on our faces. Then while park is taking like a millenium to think of what to say to her, she takes her bags away in one swift motion... so i sit down. then after old hag bought her food she comes and scolds ME for being rude and says that I need to learn some manners? MOI?! HELLOOO?? U NEED TO GROW A BRAIN! SHE WAS IN THE WRONG! And dear park just started laughing after she scolded me. thanks park for all your "help".. what a saviour.

ANYWAY at the end of it all,
after i said i feel like slapping park when i talk to him sometimes,
and chan says she feels like slapping him every 5 mins,
(doesnt that make him a um.. CB face? huhu.)
i came up with an analogy.
yaknoww last time computers can only process one thing at a time, and anymore than that they just HANG?
park=windows 95(slowest)
chan=windows 98 (abit faster only)
vera and i=windows vista (fastest)
and belle probably like those 50 years ago which filled the whole room and when they said there was a bug[aka virus] in it, they really meant BUG[aka insect].

anyway as usual training is mother tiring.
and i have a scraped knee :(:(:(
cause i dived to tag zoe but stupid useless catcher equipment does nothing to save me.
fck i really feel like bringing my own vj one for training.
but i scared juniors use till spoil also
seeing how they do not take care of tk catcher equipment scares me.
i just used them last year and look what happens now. :(:(:(:(
my poor thing.

after training came the fun part.
wnt t fsh nd c fr dnnr wth gvn
h gv m rse :)
s swt.
nd tll y, gys t lk thr's n tmrrw.
rlly, frst tme whn t sfd plttr t fnsh s fst.
bt t ws nc nnthlss.
jngl frz rcks. ymmy nd swt.
thn w hd SCOOPZ c crm.
whch h dvrd s wll.
thn t ws 15 ll wy hm.
nc rmnsng tm.

"i'll sing, sing, i love you so. i'll sing, because the world cant take away your love.

hmmamm.2:27 pm

Friday, June 01, 2007


lulu(escort) and taiboon.
gay and allan(escort)
the last photo. SG11 <3
psycho seowken. IMH nominee.
pretteh bimbos. lulu and gay.

OCEANS ELEVEN at istana.
ROY the dinosaur.
DANI the polar bear.
lawn ornaments. whee
we are girls. ALL OF US.

my fellow BIMBO.
the new Calvin Klein model.
our handsome boys.
gay lick lolly lick lulu.

you guys made the whole damn thing funner.
you guys made me willing to do the hard work.
you guys taught me how to go with the flow.
you guys were great people/groupmates/friends.
you guys, i will never forget.

"i always give you chocolate, i give you my kitkat.

hmmamm.11:21 pm

Joanne Gay
Victoria Junior College

play around with the sheep on top :)


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