Wednesday, February 28, 2007

haha here's some pictures from chinese new year, dad's side.
yes i know many find it real funny that there're no boys in my dad's side of the family. so no one to continue the beautiful surname. hur.
picture 1: with melissa. whos going back to beijing university to study. freaking chinese pro luh.
picture 2: with adeline, the smallest spoilt brat of us all.
janice and angela aint in here. didnt get a photo of them. more soon next time!
''and all i want in this whole world is you, you, you!
hmmamm.8:37 pm
Sunday, February 25, 2007
i helped my mommy cook dinner today!
even thought the stupid oil kept splashing, i persevered on.
and ate my nice dinner!
auntie quan talked about the bible's defination of being a good wife and mother today.
i guess its really relevant cause sooner or later i'd hope to become one.
and seeing how i've been brought up in a christian household, i guess i've had the privilege of being instilled with quite a bit of good values here and there.
not that other religions dont do that too but ohwell.
i must say i'm thankful that most communication problems with my family has been solved.
like it was tough during secondary school when i was constantly bugged about not studying when in actual fact, i did study.
and i remember during these conversations i got so stressed and frustrated i'd start bawling my eyes out.
and daddy would be like: why you crying for what?
but im glad we worked that out after i managed to calm down and tell them straight how horrible i was feeling.
talking is good. really.
sorry to digress, but my point is, having a good role model to look at whilst growing up is beneficial to how i would become a parent to my child in the future.
we all have flaws but as we learn to 'die to self and submit to the Lord', these flaws would be muted and we'd become much better people.
i guess my parents are still learning and learning to submit to each other.
but mainly, im happy they're willing to do so.
''you are the one, i will worship,
you are the one, i will serve all my days,
you are the one, you are the one everlasting..
hmmamm.8:22 pm
Saturday, February 24, 2007
dinner was so yummy.
you're such a better host compared to DIANE TAN YING JIE.
melvin tan rocks.
he's like the funniest pe teacher ever.
like for mock napfa test, as long as you just over the twig for standing broad jump, you pass!
and as long as you do like 8 inclined pull ups, you pass!
and as long as you run 2.4km in about 16 minutes, you pass!
HAHAH so i passed!
''i always thought you looked less uglier, alas, you proved me wrong.
hmmamm.11:52 am
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
im so happy i was 40th for cross country today.
eh top 5o out of like 7oo over is good LAH.
it was quite dumb cause i was feeling oh-so-sick and down in the morning but when everyone started running i just got so claustrophobic i just had to find air in front.
so i ran my lungs out.
which was bad cuse i didnt even stretch so the calves kinda hurt now.
and add on the fact that i wore heels the whole of yesterday, that sucked alot.
but hooray for d'cruz who broke the xc boys record by like ten seconds.
you so zai LAH.
hooray for jastine who ran so fast even though he's supposed to be still recovering from a collapsed lung -.-
and hooray for 07s51 who won second for inter CT.
hooray for softballers who ran. not you diane! HAHA
hooray for hakim and rama who totally slacked and ended up helping to give drinks.
okayy i undersatnd sayang is injured and needs rama there as a good friend in case you fall :DD
anywayy, jiayou to the tk b'div '07 for their game against st thresa's convent tomorrow.
okayy love you guys.
''even before all the fame and people screaming your name, girl i was there, and you were my baybee!
hmmamm.8:19 pm
Saturday, February 17, 2007
hello all.
i know i havent talked for a while.
ive been trying to figure out my laptop.
but ive obviously failed
so now i've reverted to the old one.
valentine's day was quite fun.
bestie and i each pierced another hole.
to commemorate v day as singles, we got heart shaped earrings.
LOL the wonderful single life.
yesterday's school was such a waste of time.
celebrations were okayy.
indians can dance real well, at least most of them.
and like everyone pangsehed and left belle and i.
and belle didnt bring glove so shucks no throwing :(
so we just sat at out favourite talking spot to talk.
and i bet nicholas kang thought we were watching them train. NUTS.
the rocket launching thing was much more fascinating.
but it ended up a pitcher catcher day.
lunching with dii and meeting chan to go vivo.
but actually nothing much.
the only think you can do there is window shop.
unless you're super rich luh.
but sometimes its quite fun pretending to be rich and browsing through the nice clothes.
i think far east/bugis street's more my style.
but we spent like an hour walking through the whole place helping chan find her cny clothes but like nothing suited her so ohwell.
since PC day's an expensive affair.
early dinner at sushi tei followed by swensens ice cream, where the salesgirl was super nice by letting us get a triple scoop and gave us 2 extra cups. haha we so budget.
so we went to the rooftop with the intention of lazing by the pool.
but it rained.
so plan B was to cam whore in the inside area.
thus right now my phone's filled with pics of my dear prettehs.
[see chan, i just blogged about you]
and as usual i get bullied/talked into doing stuff
so that day dii talked me into watching ever after at her house.
and my argument against that was i had to go wash socks at home:
dii: i know! since chan's gonna meet gabrina you dont you come my house for movie!
gay: but like almost seven ready leh.
dii: can what just watch then go home about ten-ish.
gay: eh but i need to wash socks.
chan: wash socks for what?
gay: uh, cause they're dirty?
chan you so cute.
and in the end, i obviously lost and spent part of my sleeping time washing socks.
so smelly lah.
alas mkc was a bit of a disappointment.
there were like 8 kids.
and change of plan: laureen and i became puppets.
greengreen and pinkpink didnt get much attention today.
like we lost our attention grabbing charm.
the kids kinda ignored us abit.
overall the whole thing went smoothly but there was a serious lack of children.
what went wrong?
that one we dont know
but 1 corinthians 15:58 says,
Therefore, my dear brothers (and sisters), stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labour in the Lord is not in vain.
we shall stick and hang on tight to what we want and never stop asking till get it.
P U S H.
i <3 my aunties from mommy's side
[not that i dont <3 the rest but ohwell]
like they super fret over my facial well being.
making me try on face masks and squeezing out my blackheads.
free facial!
haha ah bee wasnt spared.
guys doing facials aint that bad.
it'll do the skin good.
nicer skin = more handsome face.
all the guys should go try! LOL
''gongxi gongxi gongxi ni ah gongxi gongxi gongxi ni!
hmmamm.9:59 pm
Sunday, February 11, 2007
i've decided to become a dutch supporter.
i <3 huntelaar.
''it was love at first sight.
hmmamm.10:49 pm
OMG. hahaha i thinks he's hott.
at least from the tv he looks quite hot.
but you cant really tell.
oooh, perky butt. i like.
today is super emo day.
lina was emo when we were at buggs.
cause i guess it was super crowded and she cant find her jeans or something.
it really was quite irritating seeing so many people everywhere.
i guess thats whats meant by overcrowding in the city.
i sympatise with the japanese.
they face this every single day of their life.
then later at pasir ris after alighting from the bus 12,
which was like going super slowly all the way from buggs,
[so irritating right]
there was this whole clump of army guys going to tekong.
and then it was my turn to be emo.
cause i remembered sebas.
he was probably there.
'cept that they all looked the same now so i couldnt identify whos who.
i dont know why i refuse to let go.
even though i really think i should.
maybe you need someone else to help to rescue you from living in the past before you can actually move on.
i hope i'll be able to move on soon.
mkc rocked shit today.
really was so high and all.
except for the word part.
like, act=they talk.
so learn yo, and make it more interesting for the kids.
im so surprised tim came today.
okayy wow.
''when you are with me, im free, im careless, i believe.
hmmamm.9:45 pm
Saturday, February 10, 2007
like there was a grand total of SIX people today.
and we had the whole darn field all to ourselves.
past two weeks we had like 15 people and we had to use the freaking carpark with the rough floor, which spoils all the nice leather balls.
how great is that?
''smack that, all on the floor. smack that, till you get sore.
hmmamm.4:26 pm
Friday, February 09, 2007
thats what my parents have in me.
so much that they ordered my new laptop one day before i got my results.
and the deal was i need to get single digit.
i <3 my daddy and mommy!
and im so proud of my friends.
lina, belle, tiff, vera, chan, mel, dee, viv, jiahong, pravind, liak, derek, dcruz, liang, hakim, rama, sarah, ahlian, azlin and everyone LAH.
i totally worried for nothing luh.
''i feel like dancinggg!
hmmamm.9:30 pm
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
cause i think ive been eating quite alot.
and everyone who knows me should know that food i eat goes to the stomach and stays there.
that is like superly bad.
anyway we fielded for the b div today.
and i caught for 14 people, 3 rounds
equals to 42 people
equals to about 14 innings
equals to about 2 hours.
so my legs are like wobbly.
so if you see me crawling around tomorrow,
please do not hesitate to piggy-back me or something.
and maybe i should count my blessings cause so happens the home plate happens to be in the shade so other fielders had to combat the glaring hot sun.
lol i hope ya'll get nice tans :))
dont know why ive been super stoney these few days.
if i like ignore you or like look dao, im sorry.
just that maybe the release of results getting nearer.
and even though i dont seem scared, maybe i am.
not only for my self, but also for bestie, and all other friends.
i hope ya'll get to go whereever you wanna!
maybe its not only that, but also the different life between jc and secondary.
and all the utterly confusing things that are happening.
many many things that i need and i am gonne tell LINA BESTIE ASAP!
or else i'll like burst [POP!] soon. seriously.
''now she's back in the atmosphere, with drops of jupiter in her hair..
hmmamm.10:57 pm
Monday, February 05, 2007
oh yes, im very surprised we won soccer.
seriously, when thailand scored the first goal, i was like: ah lose ready lah.
but what a superb goal that was from khairul amri.
saves the sorry butts of the defenders.
but really, i thought thailand was the better team.
them maintained possession, dribbled well, set up chances.
but failed to capitalise on them.
ohwell, luck really played a great factor in this year's games i guess.
[sorry pakin, next time you go play luh]
anyways, on to more recent things.
5 rounds with belle and chan, 10 with sarahjane.
whee im so glad to have my dear eucalyptus tree back running with me!
LOL i think the 5 of us softballers come here to entertain the vj people luh.
especially today, when belle ran and banged into the pole, when we tried doing shanghai hurdles with the soccer guys' mini hurdles. and when we tried to do the two legs jumping way, i totally couldnt do and almost fell flat on my face. but yeah it was fun. i shall try again next time. haha im supposed to study chinese. OKAYLAHBYE.
''maybe i should change eye candy..
hmmamm.8:56 pm
Friday, February 02, 2007
as in kindergarten kids.
they're like super duperly hyper, just like how i was super duperly hyper when i was a kid.
actually, i still am. LOL
but it was real cool seeing the class get together and painting the wall together.
even people i thought would faster zao4 actually were the ones who stayed on to paint.
HAHA i found out junliang has a secret talent of painting green vines and brown trees.
im sorry if i destroyed your pretty tree with my black bird. heh
i guess slv fosters class spirit.
since everyone was helping each other and all.
not only with the drawing and painting, but also with the shielding the devastatingly [sexy]hot sun.
oh not forgettting the 'decorating the artists part'
equals to a paint-the-other-person war.
which reminds me, i still have a green smiley on my leg.
gahaha im such a dirty girl.
i guess sometimes people can really annoy you just because they're them.
and its not really in our right to ostrasize them just cause they're like that.
on the other hand, its possible to change.
if they realise they should, as it is for their own benefit.
i should know.
i used to be really bossy annoying.
maybe now im still quite annoying sometimes with my lovely high-pitched voice that everyone loves.
but it was after going through all the painful teamtalks and the love of my teammates that ive become more mature in thinking and more sensitive of other's feelings.
maybe thats how i learnt to read expressions of my closer friends and understand them better.
and thats how we all grew closer.
thats what a team is.
anyway back to the point, i think ive been really evil bitching and getting irritated with someone.
i guess we should not judge others since we're not perfect outselves.
therefore i shall attempt to be nicer.
and, as my friends have, help her to be less annoying instead of letting her continue her annoying ways.
i believe, that is a better way of bringing about WORLD PEACE other than just plain ol' fighting and dying.
[cue: applause]
i so should join miss universe or something.
i'd probably ace the Q and A section.
as for the other sections, maybe i shall reconsider. 0.o
''the time has come to stand for all we believe in., so i for one am gonna give my praise to You!
hmmamm.10:36 pm
i cant believe im online so late doing work. omg.
im such a mugger. zz
on another note, i love my pitchers.
they make me so happy when im down.
and they just cant stop singing their way through hard times.
my prettehs(pretty)!
crap, i need sleep.
''from the inside out of my soul..
hmmamm.12:05 am
Joanne Gay
Victoria Junior College
play around with the sheep on top :)