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Wednesday, September 27, 2006
math lover

Math student's love letter:

My Dear Love,
Yesterday, I was passing by your rectangular house in trigonometric lane.There I saw you with your cute circular face, conical nose and spherical eyes, standing in your triangular garden. Before seeing you, my heart was a null set, but when a vector of magnitude(likeness) from your eyes at a deviation of theta radians made a tangent to my heart, it differentiated.
My love for you is a quadratic equation with real roots, which only you can solve by making good binary relation with me. The cosine of my love for you extends to infinity. I promise that I should not resolve you into partial functions but if I do so, you can integrate me by applying the limits from zero to infinity. You are as essential to me as an element to a set. The geometry of my life revolves around your acute personality.
My love, if you do not meet me at parabola restaurant on date 10 at sunset, when the sun is making an angle of 160 degrees, my heart would be like a solved polynomial of degree 10.With love from your higher order derivatives of maxima and minima, of an unknown function.

haha that was cute.
ipp exercise was shit today. but the door people were good. namely yuni, sijia and i. the wind sucks when you're trying to tape the windows. ohwell. its over and i hope i dont have to do such a thing again.

off to giving geog tuition to my beloved juniors for free.
see, i really am a nice person.

i cant wait for children's day. the mkc kids are gonna have so much fun. please God let nothing destroy our lovely plans.

by the way, the key to good sex is abstinence. serious. it'll mean you are the one and only for your future love. and he for you. that's what's makes sex special. and even if some of you are thinking of intentionally, or more likely unintentionally, helping our good government to fulfill birthrate quotas so that we would not have a declining population, i suggest you get married first. then you can help out all you like. so as i quote tiffany: make art, not love. im sure if more people heeded that line, the world would be a more colourful place that's not reeking of stds at the neglected corners.

alright. time to lose my voice again.

love you all:D

''so why dont we go, somewhere only we know.

hmmamm.2:19 pm

Saturday, September 23, 2006

i have weird dreams.
but nice ones.
like the one last night.
so random, but only some stuff i can remember here and there.

i know i dreamt of him again.
playing and studying in the library:)
lina was there too.
then we went home.
and i like sleepwalked out of the train.
onto another train.
it was some ghost train.
and i was the only one alive there.
and everyone else knew i was alive cause my ipod was the only one working.
and they tried to expose me.
cause i was hiding in a corner.
so i called lina.
and she told me i was asleep on his shoulder what.
so i told her to wake me up.
but she said she couldnt
so i changed train and found the train they were on.
and sat back at my place.
then could i wake up(in the dream)
and we left the train and went back to my house.

i dreamt i was in this scary maze in the library.
round and round, up and down.
then i came out to this slide and the maze disappeared.

i dreamt there were these two girls dancing with umbrellas outside at the tk bus stop.
and they were trying to teach me how to dance.

i dreamt that i was at the supermarket with my mom.
and i couldnt find the pen i wanted to buy.
and later i saw it at 7-11.
but it was placed way too high for me to reach.

then i dreamt lina and i were at some wgb concert.
but i couldnt see erik.
and daphne came off the stage to shake hands or sth.
and line head-butted her.
and went off.
then daphne sat beside me.
and shouted something which i heard as "give me a kiss(on the cheeks!)"
so i did and she was stunned and started laughing.
and told me she said sth else.
and i was like "oh i thought you said that"
but i was worried about where lina went so i went to find angeline.
and she tried calling lina.
then we saw an angry lina storming into an old beetle car.
and telling the old guy inside to drive.
and we were like "what the heck"

then i woke up(for real).
cause my nose was super blocked and i had to blow it.
i hate it when that happens. rah

ohwell. that was about all i remember, but it was good. cause dreaming means i slept well.
and i hardly dream so when i do its real interesting.
i still remember this pastor who spoke at my church prophesied(?) that i would receive a dream about what im gonna be when i grow up.
so im still waiting for that dream.

''dream..dream dream dream, oh dream..

hmmamm.9:42 am

Friday, September 22, 2006
oh happy day

im so proud of myself.
i ran 5km in half an hour.
its good since i havent ran for like amonth and lack stamina.
but i was almost dying though.

prelims are overr!!
like finally.
mstee's physics prac was so weird.
couldnt understand part 1.
but part 2 was easy.
just couldnt remember what the meaning of the gradient is.
shucks :(

shaofang's funny.
and lame and dumb and cheeky.
but funny.
shannon's amusing.
they're nice people.
too bad shannon's going to hci.
i wonder what will happen to us girls when we make the transition to a mixed school.
its be interesting for sure.
at least shaofan's gonna be in vj.

i hope things turn out good.
bestie day tmr.
thinking of party games for mkc children's day special.
its gonna be good.
we're gonna make it.
just you watch.

''im happy.

hmmamm.8:14 pm

Saturday, September 16, 2006
eat and sleep.

I spent the whole day just eating and sleeping. I feel so fat now.haha but I shall not harp on it lest someone like tiffany reads this and start ranting around that im not fat and all. I said I FEEL fat.

Anywayy. My dear little cousins were at my house. Lorraine and danielle. such darlings they are. So darn cute.love them. <3 I really miss all my cousins. Like I hardly see them at all. I remember there was this chinese new year at my aunts house and I havent seen any of my cousins for a long time. Especially desheng. I stepped into the house and totally didnt recognize them. Cause when he was young he was quite a chubby kid, but he took up volleyball and became relatively tall,dark and handsome. :D its the truth. That was about 2 years ago I think. Lol I miss all of them. We are like the big four kids amongst the young ones,with an age gap between the youngest and oldest being only 2 years.[desheng and I are the same age, then raymond and yongsheng being the oldest.] Then after that the age gap would be 4 years. Such fun we had at our grandparents house.

..whats up with me getting oh-so-sentimental now? Funny stuff happens when you get too stress. but then again, im not too stress what. Okayy its just me then.

On to other matters, vj confirmed the sports trip to bangkok. But the parents are still quite hesitant to let me go if its to southern bangkok, apparently that's where all the hostilities are happening. And the trips not subsidized so mag said it'll be about 500bucks. Thats quite steep considering that there are so many flights to bangkok nowadays. Ohwell, we will see what happens. But im in the mood for some major shopping :)

Other than that, lifes just mediocre. Nothing real exciting right now. I wish that would change cause im seriously getting bored here. Rah. 2 months to go. I wish it'll hurry up, but that'll mean Os would be here faster then. And I dont think im really prepared for that yet. Ohwell. I just hope to survive.

What do you do when you've been feeling real down, but suddenly you're blessed with something real nice? It lasts for a while but as sudden as it came, it was gone, leaving you quite so lost and distraught if it was you who caused it to leave. So day after day you wonder if it'll come back, and if you'd ever experience it again. But as the days wear on, so does the light of hope that you carry. After awhile, although deep in your heart you still wished it come back, common sense tells you otherwise. Right now you’re not sure if you should just let it go or continue having faith and press on, because you're afraid that if you let go and move on, it might come back one day to find you gone and decide to move on as well. Then you might really regret it all your life for thinking of giving up that hope in the first place. But if you keep harboring that faith, what if it does not come back, and all you've been doing have been for naught. And worse still, might have held you back, not allowing you to try to experience other things and stopped you from living life the way you should. What would you do?

Rah sometimes I think I just worry too much.

''this is the start of something new, it feels so right to be here with you.

hmmamm.9:42 pm

Friday, September 15, 2006
im a surviver.

Oh yeah
Like the main prelims papers are over and I survived!
I hope I didn’t screw up my physics cause im relying on it for my science mark cause I screwed my chem.. but im quite confident about physics. Got most of the key consepts I hope.

And mdm lee told me today that I got the ez colours award individual. Haha I don’t know whatever for. Quite funny though. and unexpected. i think so far this year has by far been the most rewarding for me. like, 4e5 won sports day class champion, i won cross country, tkgstars are national softball champs, i led aces day[-.-], and met many new people everywhere.. it seems many nice things happened to me this year. i hope this goodness continues even after my o's. :)

I should go do something constructive. My plans to throw today got thwarted due to the heavy downpour. Ohwell.

''someday we will know that love can move a mountain.

hmmamm.12:06 pm

Thursday, September 14, 2006
mugmug and more mug

its the fourth day after the start of main prelims paper. mental resilience is really important. but something which i sorely lack. i need encouragement. please? i just hope to get below twenty now.

its really tiring to mug, take exams, mug again and take more exams.
giving up is tempting but no, not an option. might as well finish what ive started.
i miss talking to some people. you know sometimes its weird when you can talk to someone one the phone for so long but when you see them face to face you have nothing to say? rah i hate that feeling.

right now there's so few people whom i can talk to face to face. ah i dont know why. so not in the mood now. then again, small things can make gay happy. but it also can mean small things can make gay sad too. i wanna be happy. gimme some love <3

its been so long since i've touched a ball. softball.
i miss playing, being in the field, slacking and laughing around.
i miss painting the field, doing duckwalks, shouting and screaming.
i miss my seniors, my juniors and coaches.
i miss my team mates, my infielders, my outfielders, my pitchers.
i miss the supporters, the teachers, the scorers.
i miss the umpires, the bases, the home plate.
i miss the vjc-ians, the girls, the guys.
i miss the sun, my tan, my tan lines.
i miss kallang, the sand, the mud.
theres so many things i miss.
gosh what a sentimental moment.
i should stop. but then its not my fault. everyone's entitled to some moments like these. i just wish i have less. means i dont miss people so much. which is good.

zz. i should start on physics. banking on it for a good result. God help my please. i need to focus.
seriously. and i need brain power to remember all i study. and i need skill to write out all i study appropriately. and i need sleep. so stop those times when i have to spend my nights staring at the ceiling, tossing around in bed, wondering if i should get up to study instead of trying to sleep.
but then, sleep is good. i need more. ive not been sleeping well. i dream when i sleep well, even if its for just a little while. so it means ive not been sleeping well. since i hardly dream. only that one dream, which came after a long long peroid of dreamless nights. but its enough for now. i dont want nightmares. zz.

''i miss you.

hmmamm.11:29 am

Thursday, September 07, 2006
exciting week

i havent blogged ina while. some stuff has happened, mostly extremely boring. 0.o

went to lower pierce reservoir with the family and some cell members of my parents. wont deny that i hoped he'll come but quite impossiple. so what i had faith. rah. but ohwell obviously he wasnt there. its a horrible place to run at but full of cute odl peeps doing taichi and all. occupied myself playing with little joel. its damn cute. ''a wanna eat tona[tuna]'' hahah. took some pics with the split cam but joel dropped it so the film got exposed. boo, i had nice pics of the old people inside. ohwell. wasnt angry, just disappointed i wont get to see my pics. dont even know why my mom was more upset than me. wth. but i had fun. tona. hhhhA.

in between was mainly mug mug mug. not that hard i'll say. but im trying.

then yesterday met daryl for lunch, he thought me some amath. i realised i actually could do amath. then lina came too, daryl left, met lina's friend[we have something in common and for the sake of my safety i wont say who it concerns but i will say its about hating someone in common. go figure]. then we left for roxy square where dear linana wanted to buy her west grand boulevard cd. ,et eric and dharma from wgb. they're nice people. so we talked abit and they were telling us what they were doing witht he shop and all. [they're working there] and eric showed us has pedal board. impressive and also a picture of david from electrico's 5000buck board. haha im saving for my tuner. they're funny people too.

dharma: where're you guys from?
lina: oh im from greenview..
eric: oh your school's soccer sucks. we beat you guys
lina: where're you from?
eric: jintai.
lina: uh where?
eric: ah its quite unheard of. but our soccer's good. beat everyone else. we only lost to the boy's home, but that's only because they were mostly ex-jintai. hahaha.

okay lol. they're cool people. i'll give them that. real friendly. but i wonder how long they can remain so grounded. ohwell. they've got a show on saturday and lina wants to go but i dont know. maybe.

btw, they said they dont play live. it s a recording of 6 banglas who they employed to record the album from them. that's why eric can move around so much onstage cause he's not actually playing. the things are on but the volume's on zero. rightt. so they're saying daphne sounds like a bangla?

''im so tired of wishing, that you are still here.

hmmamm.4:26 pm

Joanne Gay
Victoria Junior College

play around with the sheep on top :)


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