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Wednesday, August 30, 2006
different sides

The different sides of me- pertaining to the subject of growing fat.

The practical side: Most of the time, Im studying a bit, eating a lot, and sleeping a lot. So, it normal that I gain some weight. Dont worry, all these excess weight will be lost when training starts again.

The bimbo side: Oh my gosh! Im like soo fat. Like some friggin overdue pregnant woman. (okay huge exaggeration) But oh my gosh oh my gosh. and my tummys like some big round beach ball. *faints*

The evil side: Im growing fat yes, but at least not as fat as someone we so amicably nicknamed afifa. *ahem* oops, did I just say that too loudly? Oh but it was meant for her to hear. quote yuting: hahahahahahahahahah.

The scientific side: The number of hours spent studying is directly proportional to the amount of weight gained.

The denial side: Im growing fat? Or is it cause Im using a concave mirror? I should go change it.

The stupid side: uh, fat? As in like mariah carey? Eww.

Thus I conclude: I need some exercise.
I’m such a great history student. lol. rightt.

okayy those were quite so dumb. thought of it when i was bathing.
haha i think of alot of things when im bathing.

alrightt. kong is such a sabo-er. like saboed liy and i to go up to the podium to lead aces day workout. like helloo? we're sec 4s. sec 4s dont normally do these stuff. but at least the two teletubbies[trainers] will be there to guide us along. phew. i hope it doesnt rain.

hmmamm.8:06 pm

Thursday, August 24, 2006
birthday surprise no 2

birthday surprise no 2

curtesy of belle and jo chan.
with yan as accomplice. HAHA

so i met them at ecp at the beach then they popped out and acted as these two persons, S and A. like they printed out their face and covered their own with the printout.
and like they game me a rose each. "A" gave a pink one, and "S" a red one. lol
and they tried to fulfill my wishes like the one about kiss in the rain. where chan acting as "S" tried to kiss me while belle sprayed water. caulont stop laughing la me. and cahn was distracting me as belle took out the cake. supposedly the same one we bought for diane when we surprised her last year. and we ate and all.
and belle said she was gonna get her phone. with a cake in her hands. and stupid me didnt realise but she came from behind and smashed that iece of cake right into my eye. her aimng damn good la. can chan smashed my other side. and the only water around was the sea so i had to wash oily chocolate with seawater. bad combination. so we packed up to go mac's to wash up. and they didnt tell me i had a streak of chocolate across my face. -.-
anyway we walked acorss this mini zebra crossing on the cycling track and chan and i were ahead and belle was like:'eh you all never look out for bicycles one ah?'
and the cyclist was:' its a zebra crossing darling'.
!!haha so unglam.

but it was so funny. i'll always remember that. btw, 2 roses does ot equal bouquet. :D

love you guys.

watch out next year. rofl.

hmmamm.10:49 am

Tuesday, August 22, 2006
best day of my life.

august 19, 2006

it is as of now the best day of my life.
let me recount.

at first on my birthday, 16 aug, my darling bestie met up with me to give me my present. which turned out to be this mini guitar. like before that everything was to hyped up and i really thought i was gonna get a real electric guitar. but it was not to be.

then on sunday, we went out for the promised treat from joyce. our resident youth auntie. haha she's the auntiest person ever. EVER. and benben was there too recounting all his army stories. and then lina bestie presented me with this clean white envelop. 'go on, open it!' she says. so i did. and guess what. there is was, a list of 12 dares i had to do before i could receive my mystery gift.

so i went on my journey of embarressment.
first one wasnt too bad. to collect 5 10cent coins.
then came the bad ones. [i shall not talk about some more boring ones]and[i shall post pictures(for the very first time!) of the whole ordeal when i get them]

i had to stand in the middle of far east and shout: 'its my birthday and im so sexy' and angelina and dicky were standing some distance away and i had to shout louc enough for them to hear. wth. and they keep saying 'cannot hear cannot hear'. walao. if you cant hear how come you can reply? hmmph.

and benben came up with other alternative dares to replace those that i refused to do.
like i had to go up to this sales person and go 'ha? ha? ha?' like five times at everyting she says. you know, act like some slow person. quite funny though. there was this one sk2 salesgirl who didnt suspect a thing. muahaha.

and we went to hmv and i had to go to the classical section and put on headphones and pretend like im listening to some rock music. lol. that was quite fun.

the funniest thing i had to do was to go into flash and splash in heeren and ask the salesguy these 3 questions:
"Do you have a washing machine?"
"Does this pair of slippers come with a can of coke?"
"Do you have char kway teow?"

and the guy's reaction was like so blur. and i was trying not to laugh already. HAHAHA.

but well it was so fun. and i had to sport a superman 'tattoo' on my face while going round the place. rofl. i liked the tattoo. and i think i shall not show my face in orchard for another month.. good thing i didnt see anyone i know or i'll be so dead.

but at the end of the day i went to na's house and they game me my guitar! with badges and all. its so pretty. like an exact replica of the mini one!! :D and she told me i had to save up for my amps. and also said i had another surprise waiting for me at home.

andwhen i reached home, lo and behold, guess what my parents brought out?


whoohoo. so i dont have to save up for one after all.
and angeline was right. it really was the best day of my life.
thanks to all the peeps who made it possible.
lina angeline dicky joyce kenneth jaclyn nini derek desiree and whoever else.
best birthday present ever.
love you all.

and lina: you better watch out on your 21 birthday. or maybe your 18th. depends on the money you know? action takes quite long dear.

hmmamm.1:39 pm

Saturday, August 19, 2006

today is xc day.
and for people who dont know what that stands for, its cross country
x=cross, c=country
and im so happy to say i finally beat all of them to get my coveted gold! hahaha
okayy so many might not think it a big deal but that's your problem.
and i wanna thank sam oh for running with me and 'training' me.
even thought im huffing and puffing away trying to keep up, you're there chattering and laughing away like its nothing. well it is nothing for you since you're darn good. but thanks anyway. i was imaginering your chattering all along the run. lol made it seem shorter.

and i really think my class did well. i love them all! and tiffy stop regreting what you didnt do. just do it the next time when a chance to arises then. no use brooding over it. and you got your revenge by pulling me into the freezing sea, woman.

zany green parade for us was quite a flop.
so sorry to all.
it was quite a last minute thing.
but then again. there weren't much contributors.
nevermind my fault. :]
but i'll bet we had fun singing funny national day songs and changing the words to suit us.lol

we are 4e5, 4e5eans..
4e5, our homeland
its here that we belong
all of us united,
one people marching on.
we've come so far together,
our common destiny.
4e5, our homeland,
one classroom clean and free.

and singing spondgebob squarepants songs.

i <3 you guys. girls. whateverr.

hmmamm.10:47 pm

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

you said to wait and see till after As.
im thinking: will you even remember me then?

ugh relative velocity. grr.

hmmamm.10:28 am

Sunday, August 13, 2006
planet shakers!!

whoohoo planet shakers ultraviolet rocked socks man.
ahah was super high that day.
chose not to let anything get me down.
so im sorry to those people who i went crazy at.
wasnt really thinking you see.
and ben tan[his girlfriend so chio] told a joke. haha somehow i just cant stop laughing at it.
see, im laughing now. and lina can testify i couldnt stop just now.
and angeline can continue giving me that 'are-you-like-crazy-yes-you-are' look.
oh where was i, ah yes the joke.

why is the sea blue?
because all the fishes go bloop bloop bloop.
get it? like blueop blueop blueop.


anywayy. lina and i were musing about why our church couldnt grow. like why after so long its still the same few people. and not only that, it seems we're shrinking. like people are leaving! that sucks majorly. sure we're praying for growth but it seems the prayer bowl isnt toppling over yet. why then? is mkc gonna be the way we're gonna grow? cause im more and more encouraged everytime i see the kids at mkc. like they just come week after week just to play, have fun, hear the bible stories etc. how innocent they are. sorry im a sucker for kids. but as you see them every week, you see how they grow and how they learn more about our great God and how they are so darn energetic everytime. its contagious. i love my kids. :D
then this morning we had a guest speaker. pastor kc. he talked about revival. and working with God. he said that if we were so intoxicated by God, we could work for Him non stop and not get a wee bit tired. its that love that spurs us on the continue his work. just like a guy who's wooing this girl, he would go the extra mile just to get her to notice him. and will relentlessly pursue his target till he gets. it. its kinda like that i guess. and another thing. we may do manythings. but the onething we need to do is to sit by his feet and listen. he didnt say its the onlything, but the onething. meaning we gotta get our priorities right. like mary and martha. because when God is in the house, we dont have to do anything to get people to come. people will be so drawn they'll just come on their own accord. its amazing. we need to have that fire and be united as a church. invite the almighty One to come and reside in our church and miracles will happen. phenomenal.

oh man i cant wait.

hmmamm.9:59 pm

Friday, August 11, 2006

yesterday was quite a fun day.
almost forgot my guilt for not studying at all during national day holidays.
ohwell. went for megalympics! we won soccer!. haha i think i found my calling in goalkeeping. waha. im such a penalty saver. :D anyone wants to engage my services? 0.o
track events were dominated by the st nicks and vs and shit. cheerleading was a flop. HAHA. we so suck. but the modification of the mac's song was goood. alyssa rocks man.

hey megalife we've got something new.
a great group of people here to beat you.
you bet our cheers are twice as nice.
with hot babes and gusto too.
east 2's great,
and you know it.
you bet our team just can't be beat.
east 2's awesome,
you wanna know more?
us lovely dudes that love you all.
hey! kan gou le ma?
if not just come on over.
we make cheers... fantastic!
badabababa. you're lovin' us.

hawt. i love it.
chinese o's results coming ut in the afternoon.
aiy.. i dont wanna retake!!

''can you reply?

hmmamm.11:37 am

Tuesday, August 08, 2006
patriotic me

aye national day celebrations were fun. aisyah and i went crazy during the celes and stuff. fun to be a little patriotic at times yes. gotts give it up to mr yap and mr zaini for making this year's one funner and shorter.

then it was movie marathon at tiff's with mel, syah and yuni. ahh. i am never agreeing to watching scary movies again. half the time you spend it screaming.grr. so gross. ugh. at least the other two were good. comedies equal good. anytime.

ah my eye hurts shit so im not in the mood to blog but anyway, im starting to train for xc. abit late i know but better late than never eh. reckon i'll get someting elso that aint bronze in colour this year? haha hard to say. i'll just have to try.

anywayy. rant. guys are confusing. therefore, ive decided not to even try to decode them. just tell it straight to me. that'll be good. i hate people who go round and round the bush. super chao irritating. so yeah. why waste your breathe trying to put things nicely when in the end the person still has to accept what's been told? i just dont get it sometimes.

hmmamm.10:39 pm

Joanne Gay
Victoria Junior College

play around with the sheep on top :)


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