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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

i'm gonna create a wish list and if anyone would like to fulfill a wish for me, by all means :)
the first one's most important and no it does not mean i wanna die, but the rest's in no order of merit.

1-Meet Jesus
3-new tops
4-to be kissed in the rain
5-candy picking machine from ig's heaven
6-ben & jerry's ice cream
7-acoustic git with plug ins
8-or an electric and pedals
10-beach shorts
11-architecture internship
12-to be given a bouquet of roses
13-new handbag
14-breakfast in bed
15-walkman phone
17-play for main worship
18-get into vj
19-choreo a dance
20-to dance again. hiphop :]
21-fly in a helicopter
22-to make a rainbow
23-A for chinese o's
24-go to the underwater world to see fishies
25-to sleep under the stars

hmmamm.1:41 pm

Saturday, May 20, 2006

today's mommy's birthday!! so yeah happy birthday to her. and daddy sorta gave us a treat but the payment came from their joint account so it probably isnt a treat and they wont even pretend daddy's giving the treat. sheesh.
so speech day was boring, the highlight being the valedictorian speech by farah. she's so pro.
and lenny caught me drawing so i had to help pick litter after the whole thing. ah what a boring day. and bong wore a skirt today! she looked nice la.
so after lunch i was trying to make my earrings for fund raising and i just fell asleep
super tired la. i have to make up for all those hours i lost during the week.

interlude: tianyu's so dumb. we were talking about mooners throwing so hard

stuck inside a replay; says:
her throw very hard. HAHAHA.
i'm a TKGStar! says:
they're all trying to impress
stuck inside a replay; says:
but its the hotbox thing lor. im like what damn near to her lar. and she throw so hard. i was like OMG.
stuck inside a replay; says:
monkey dont even throw that hard lar!
i'm a TKGStar! says:
its hop box la
i'm a TKGStar! says:

okay nevermind. back to where i stopped.
so i felt so fat after i woke up and i was like omg i slept with my contacts on so i took it out and went back to sleep
ahhh. sleep is good
and i wanted to go run but suddenly it started to drizzle so i decided not to go and just continue making stuff. [i made 2 bracelets today] then when i sat down the rain stopped. but oh heck i just felt lazy. anyway if you've been wondering, im making stuff for my DEAR juniors so they can go china. interested buyers please bring lotsa monay XD !!

oh yeahs its now a double victory for coach, both a and b div. now its time for the c div.
and we had post mortem. and somehow i knew the coaches will talk about the laughing thing. yeah i know its my fault i laugh but everytime something distant reaminds them of it i will kena again. it pisses me off. and sometimes i think jiaolian hates me. like wahlao. enough already la.
i really hate that feeling. like i feel so used. no i didnt have sex. wipe that thought off yr dirty mind. its just that i feel im always doing stuff but i hardly get any returns. it tiring to always have to give and not receive. contrary to belief of the softballers i do not have 72 hours a day. and just because you believe me to have doesnt mean i'll do anything for you. its a case by case basis. and it would be nice if i get appreciated once in a while. ah i got that off my chest. i know belle darling appreciates me. jochan too even though she dont really show it but i can tell. but the rest. im upset sometimes by the things you say. even chan. there's only so much a person can take and after a while all those feelings kept inside will erupt. like boom! its happened before.and i really dunno when the next one will come. i was alr so close to bursting when jiaolian was talking about me. like all she can say about me is criticisms. yes, i must learn to take it but it hurts.

lee, lover, pj and i were having a laughing fest on 31 on thursday. lee's so lame. like:

our class very artistic ah. love to draw draw. cause we drew 3 interclass netball matches and lost one.

and we laughed till we had abs and our mouths hurt so instead of going HAHAHA we had to go hohoho which i turn ended up as a HAHAHA anyway.

then now our class's addicted to youtube.com with all the madtv stuff. hyohhyohhyoh.tentententententententententen.oh so this must be the chicken part!.i sound kind of like an alien.ahhh. lame stupid stuff that makes you laugh even though you watch it like over and over again.
everyone should go watch. hyohhyohhyoh.

''some day my prince will come. dont take so long ah

hmmamm.9:44 pm

Friday, May 19, 2006
sucky school, happy me

i think my school really suck some times.
like they we are an aesthetics school but the career awareness fair they've put up hardly have aesthetics related jobs in it. so like there's no archi of course. not even design of any sort. what rubbish. i still dont know the requirements to entering nus faculty of design. tiffy said i should go overseas but i cant bear leaving my lovely people here! so how? the agonies.

on the other hand, im happy. haha cause someone made me :D

hmmamm.1:52 pm

Tuesday, May 16, 2006
lucky woman *slap* grr.

belle's a lucky beech.
she makes me want to slap her. serioously.
so we're like kinda in the same situation except hers in much much more developed.
lol. dont try gussing what im ranting about because that means i havent told you and probably dont want to. cause im like killing myself thinking about this. grr. and i cant stand it no more. maybe i should train more because doing stuff takes my mind off things and that's probably like good for my health right now. what violent tendencies. sheesh.
i really should go and run. get rid of some steam. yep. i wanna reach my target of below ten for 2.4km. really.
then again, running give me a chance to think about stuff. which is what i dont wanna do. so there.
ohwell, i'll run my butt off later at vj. coach wants us to do base running for vj training. like game like that. my favourite. i love base running. you know what a nice feeling it is when you outsmart the fielders and reach home plate? the greatest feeling ever. its like scoring a goal, except alot of effort goes into just bring someone home. not that not alot of effort is put in to scoring a goal but its different la. like sometimes your teammates sacrifice their run to help you to advance another base. ahh i miss training.
but yesterday seeing the sec twos train, i cant help but wonder if they knew how much more effort they would have to put in if they really want to win the nationals. both belle and i agree that watching the way they train makes us feel so 'urghh' like come on, wake up!! they really gotta buck up. cause othera also wanna beat us. but fight to the bitter end if you must. dont hate me for shouting too much. be happy instead cause coach was worse.
oh yeah the concert ystd wasnt bad. i guess you just have to know how to appreciate that knida music. not that i really do, but it was nice. string instrumenta are always nice. like my beloved git :) speaking of which i should practice more of. and i still cant pluck for nuts, anybody wanna teach me? i'll need all the help i can get. back to the concert. i absolutely adore the costumes of the cats. bee-euu-tee-full. so pretty. phoebe's such a good dancer, but i think the emphasis on her was too much, should have shared the spotlight abit. not her fault though. but it was good nonetheless. great show.

''right here waiting.

hmmamm.2:19 pm


The Power of a Woman
There were 11 people hanging on to a single rope that suspended them from a helicopter trying to bring them to safety. Ten were men; one was a woman. They all decided that one person would have to let go because if they didn't, the rope would break and all of them would die.No one could decide who it should be. Finally the woman gave a really touching speech, saying how she would give up her life to save the others, because women were used to giving things up for their husbands and children and giving in to men. All of the men started clapping.

[applies to tim] An expert is someone who takes a subject you understand and makes it sound confusing.

What did the first person who ate chicken tell everyone else it tasted like?

Everyone has a photographic memory. Some don't have film.

What happens if you get scared half to death twice?

A day without sunshine is like, night.

[applies to sam goh] 42.7 percent of all statistics are made up on the spot.

Despite the cost of living, have you noticed how popular it remains?

He who laughs last thinks slowest.

When everything's coming your way, you're in the wrong lane and going the wrong way.

[to all math and physics teachers] The hardness of butter is directly proportional to the softness of the bread. The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the ability to reach it.

A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.

If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving isn't for you.

My mind not only wanders, sometimes it leaves completely.

A good wife always forgives her husband when she's wrong.

taken from: http://home.mchsi.com/~dem/comedyshop.html

such a funny site. lalala. but when u think of it, some of these stuff actually are quite true.

hmmamm.1:49 pm

Monday, May 15, 2006
shit sticks

shit shit shit shit shit sticks
i rant. sorry but i just have to!
just when i decided to spend the rest of my sec four days in solitide studying, someone just has to pop out somewhere.
im so screwed. like 'shut up shut up shut up!'
this cannot happen to me . i need my mind to think of lame stiff like how electrons go into the electrolyte and gain/lose electrons.
ahhh. i need it to go away but i dont want it to! see the difference?
maybe after i rant i'll feel better
who am i bluffing?
ahhhh. we can be friends.

hmmamm.9:32 am

Saturday, May 13, 2006
we shall see

I shall hereby declare that I do not foresee myself having any extensive social life in the near future, maybe only when I like reach thirty
Which really sucks when u think about it
Lets start with today and work backwards.
Ileft my house at like 730 in the morning and only returned at 730 at night and it was such a freaking tiring day. Morning was training where we trained and had a short game and then it rained. I caught today for all the youth squad pitchers. Tianyu was off, not totally but not up to her usual standard. Zesa’s pitch looked good when warming up, but in the game it kept going low, thus they became balls. Gracie form was quite bad, like it totally looked wrong. Maybe cause she hasn’t pitch in a long time. And Rachel[one of the many] quite okay but I think she got tired and it started going wild.
Okay ive said my piece about pitchers. Oh and the ppl we played against were like ex national team players so they were not too bad. They’re like thirty plus? But still quite fit ah. Coolness.
And I caught and I was so tired. Hit a grounder which hit the pitcher[eh quite fast okay] and then bunted.
Haha and when it rained we were having some bonding session exchanging numbers and stuff. Fun sia.
Best part was, we ate kfc again for lunch. Like we were freezing and talking about fund raising for juniors to go china and stuff. What nice seniors we are.
So I went to church after that to finish up the props for mother’s day. And I made that saber thing or aladdin’s sword, whatever u call it. And im gona give it to linana as one of her birthday presents. Whee.
Back to the topic on having no social life.
Talking to sebastian yesterday made me realise how hard I would have to work to balance softball and studies especially if I wanna do archi at nus. Physics, math, geog, econs. Crap. That really sucks if u think about it. But I will trust in God to see me through and find me that someone in the meantime. Ah haha.
The only happy things that happened in these sad and dreary past few days are that vj won rj[yay!] and finally ive met someone who takes initiative. Like finally! So, as ms tee says, we shall see.

hmmamm.8:39 pm

Monday, May 01, 2006
we are the stars

oh yeah i forgot to mention.
we beat the moon and the south sea.
tk softball rock on man.
i'll talk more about the game after watching the video of it on tuesday.

tkgStars- Bdiv'06

hmmamm.10:07 am

men are like fish. they wont get into trouble if them keep their mouth shut.

sometimes i dont know what to do with my dad.
just two days ago she was all yay you won and let so watch the chelsea-manu match.
todays he's so freaking cranky and just by 930 in the morning he's already quarrelled with practically everyone in the house.
except janice whos still sleeping
and why is he constantly asking me to study when i just finished my exams and i wanna see where i've gone wrong before starting my revisions again
and janice's exams are like next week and he bugs me more instead of her. just shut up man
and before you start trying to tell ppl about the softball i play, please go actually find out and know something about it before you attempt to give them a distorted version of the game.

okay that's over.

now i have confusing thoughts.
so there he and him
he is the one i see but i still like him
he is the one i talk to but i still like him
he is the one im closer to but i cant forget him either
but he is the one im starting to think of much more than him
is it because i've forgetten him but he is starting to creep into my life?
because its scary sometimes when he appears somewhere put of the blue
and those are times i need someone most.
why is it i have to look out for him
when he just has to find me
im confused.

he and him. which one?

hmmamm.9:40 am

Joanne Gay
Victoria Junior College

play around with the sheep on top :)


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